Put This In Your House And You’ll Never See Flies Or Mosquitoes Again: Coffee and Bay Leaves

Using natural remedies to repel flies and mosquitoes is an effective and eco-friendly way to keep your home pest-free. One such combination is coffee and bay leaves. Both of these ingredients are known for their strong scents, which are unpleasant to many insects. Here’s how you can use them to create a natural insect repellent.


  • Ground coffee (or used coffee grounds)
  • Dried bay leaves
  • Small bowls or shallow dishes
  • Matches or a lighter


Method 1: Coffee and Bay Leaf Sachets

  1. Prepare the Ingredients:
    • Gather some ground coffee or used coffee grounds and dried bay leaves.
  2. Create the Sachets:
    • Place a small amount of ground coffee and a couple of dried bay leaves into small breathable fabric bags or cheesecloth.
    • Tie the bags securely so the contents do not spill out.
  3. Place the Sachets:
    • Place these sachets in areas where flies and mosquitoes are commonly found, such as windowsills, doorways, or near outdoor seating areas.
    • Replace the contents every couple of weeks to maintain effectiveness.

Method 2: Burning Coffee Grounds and Bay Leaves

  1. Prepare the Ingredients:
    • Collect some used coffee grounds and dried bay leaves.
  2. Set Up a Safe Burning Area:
    • Use a heat-resistant dish or small bowl to place the coffee grounds and bay leaves. Ensure this is in a well-ventilated area and away from flammable materials.
  3. Burn the Ingredients:
    • Light the coffee grounds and bay leaves using a match or lighter. They should smolder and produce smoke rather than flame.
    • Allow the mixture to smolder, releasing the aromatic smoke that repels flies and mosquitoes.
  4. Monitor the Smoke:

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