Put This In Your House And You’ll Never See Flies Or Mosquitoes Again: Coffee and Bay Leaves

  • Keep an eye on the burning mixture to ensure it stays smoldering and does not catch fire.
  • If the smoke dissipates too quickly, add more coffee grounds and bay leaves to maintain the effect.

Why This Works

  • Coffee Grounds: The strong aroma of coffee is unpleasant to many insects. Additionally, the smoke produced by burning coffee grounds can repel flies and mosquitoes.
  • Bay Leaves: Bay leaves contain essential oils such as eucalyptol and cineole, which have insect-repellent properties. Burning bay leaves releases these oils into the air, creating an effective barrier against insects.

Additional Tips

  • Combine with Other Natural Repellents: For even greater effectiveness, consider combining this method with other natural repellents such as lavender, citronella, or eucalyptus oil.
  • Regular Cleaning: Keep your home clean and free of food scraps and standing water, which can attract flies and mosquitoes.
  • Ventilation: Ensure good ventilation in your home to prevent the buildup of smoke indoors when burning coffee grounds and bay leaves.


Using coffee grounds and bay leaves as a natural insect repellent is a simple and effective way to keep flies and mosquitoes at bay. Whether you choose to create sachets or burn the ingredients, this natural remedy can help maintain a pest-free environment in your home. Enjoy the benefits of a bug-free home with this easy and eco-friendly solution!

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