How to Pick a Sweet Watermelon: Your Guide to Choosing the Perfect Melon

Nothing says summer like biting into a slice of juicy, sweet watermelon. Whether you’re planning a picnic, a family barbecue, or just want a refreshing snack, picking the right watermelon can make all the difference. Here are some tried and true tips to help you select the best watermelon at the market, ensuring each bite is as sweet and satisfying as you hope.

1. Check the Field Spot

The field spot is the area where the watermelon rested on the ground as it was growing. Look for a watermelon with a creamy yellow or even a slightly orange field spot. This indicates that the melon had a good amount of time to ripen in the sun. A white or green spot, however, suggests that the melon might have been picked too soon and may not be as ripe.

2. Give It a Tap

One of the oldest tricks in the book is the tap test. Give your watermelon a gentle knock. A ripe watermelon will have a deep, hollow sound, which indicates it is full of juice and at peak ripeness. If the sound is dull, the melon may be under-ripe or overly soft inside.

3. Feel the Weight

Pick up the watermelon and feel its weight. It should feel heavy for its size, which suggests it is full of water and thus juicier. Comparing several melons of similar size and selecting the heaviest is a good way to find a ripe, juicy watermelon.

4. Inspect the Shape

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