How to Pick a Sweet Watermelon: Your Guide to Choosing the Perfect Melon

Look for a watermelon that is uniform in shape. Oddly shaped watermelons may have had an inconsistent growing period or uneven water distribution, which could result in an uneven texture and flavor.

5. Look at the Rind

A shiny appearance indicates an underripe melon. Opt for a watermelon with a duller, matte rind. Although it might not be as aesthetically pleasing, a matte finish is a good indicator of ripeness.

6. Check for Sugar Spots and Webbing

Sugar spots and webbing may appear as dark patches or web-like brown scars. These marks are caused by bees pollinating the flower and scarring the exterior, which usually means a sweeter watermelon.


Selecting the perfect watermelon doesn’t have to be a game of luck. By using these simple visual and tactile clues, you can pick a watermelon that will be the star of any summer meal. Remember, a sweet watermelon is waiting for you; it just takes a little knowledge and observation to find it. Enjoy the refreshing taste of summer with confidence at your next gathering!

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