Yeast and vinegar in the washing machine: the trick to get rid of this problem once and for all!
Vinegar and yeast to disinfect the washing machine, do it at least once a month!
In addition to being a fundamental ingredient in cooking, yeast also has several other functions, including disinfecting the washing machine. Its use in this way is very simple and does not require any special effort.
In fact, all you have to do is start the washing machine and let it run empty, that is, without any clothes in it, pour a mixture of: 200 ml of vinegar and 18 g of baking soda into the drum and not into the detergent compartment. normal detergent . The temperature should be around 90 ° C and the process should be repeated at least once a month.
This leaves the washing machine sparkling and free of unpleasant odours, bacteria and limescale deposits. If you have neglected your washing machine for a long time and feel that more decisive action is necessary, you can replace the baking soda with baking soda during the first cleaning. This makes the disinfecting effect even stronger.
Yeast and detergent, also perfect for whitening clothes!
But the infinite resources of yeast do not stop there! In addition to cleaning the washing machine, it is also used to whiten clothes. It is a little-known but very successful and at the same time environmentally friendly property .
The next time you need to do laundry , add baking soda to the compartment with the detergent. At the end of the wash cycle, you will notice the difference: your clothes will not only be clean, but will shine even more. Excellent both for a general whitening effect and to combat yellow stains caused by the sun, sweat or stains , which are often treated with chemicals that, in addition to guaranteeing the result, may not be considered skin-friendly . Planet.
Another way to make clothes whiter with yeast is to soak them . After a normal hand or machine wash, simply fill a basin with warm water and add a sachet of yeast. Now immerse the white items and let them soak for about two hours. Once the soaking time is up, rinse, wring out and continue drying.
If you have yeast at home that you no longer want to use in cooking, try it in the bathroom or laundry room, the result is guaranteed and you won’t regret it