With this ancient Chinese method, cockroaches remain just a distant memory

How to make cockroaches leave  home  ? It’s simple, in fact only this ancient Chinese method with natural ingredients will be enough to say goodbye to these animals once and for all without harming them. Let’s find out together what it is?

Why do cockroaches enter the house?

Cockroaches are annoying and unwanted insects that often infest homes, causing discomfort and concern to their inhabitants. The  causes of the settlement of these insects  within a domestic environment can be multiple and depend on various factors.

One of the main causes of cockroaches in your home is access to food and water. These insects are attracted to  decaying organic substances and food waste  , which represent a source of nutrition for them. Inadequate hygiene, such as not thoroughly cleaning kitchens and pantries, can lead to a cockroach infestation.

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