Unlock the Secret to Long, Luscious Locks with DIY Clove Oil

If you’re on the hunt for a natural solution to encourage fast and long hair growth, clove oil might just be your new best friend! Clove oil has been praised for its ability to promote scalp health and boost hair growth, and making it at home is both simple and cost-effective. Let’s walk through the steps to create your very own secret hair growth oil using cloves.


  • 1 tablespoon of whole cloves
  • 1 cup of olive oil (olive oil is preferred for its nutrients and compatibility with hair and scalp)

Step-by-Step Procedure:

1. Prepare the Cloves:

  • Start by measuring out the cloves. You only need about a tablespoon, as a little goes a long way in terms of potency.

2. Infuse the Oil:

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