Strawberry tree

Dissolve the strawberry jelly according to the instructions on the package. Leave to set slightly, but still liquid.
Cookie base preparation:

Place the cookies in a ziplock bag and crush into fine crumbs or grind in a food processor.
Melt the butter and mix with the crushed cookies.
Line a baking tin (preferably a cake tin) with baking paper and pour in the cookie mixture, spreading it evenly and pressing lightly to the bottom.
Cookie cheese and yogurt mixture preparation:

Heat the milk in a small pot, but do not bring to a boil. Add the gelatin and stir until completely dissolved. Set aside to cool.
In a bowl, mix the Greek yogurt with the curd cheese and powdered sugar until smooth.
Add the cooled gelatin to the cheese and yogurt mixture, stirring constantly to combine well.

Place a layer of cookie mixture on the bottom of the tin.
Place a layer of sliced ​​or wedge strawberries on the cookies.
Spread a layer of the cheese and yogurt mixture over the strawberries, spreading it evenly.
Repeat the layers until all the ingredients are used up, ending with a layer of the cheese and yogurt mixture.
Adding the jelly:

Place a few whole strawberries on top for decoration.
Gently pour the setting jelly over the top of the dessert, making sure the strawberries are immersed in the jelly.

Refrigerate the strawberry cake for at least 2-3 hours, until the jelly is completely set and the flavors have blended.

Before serving, you can decorate the strawberry cake with mint leaves.
You can experiment with additions such as whipped cream, almond flakes or chocolate icing to give your strawberry cake an even more unique flavor.
Enjoy! Enjoy a delicious, fruity dessert on hot summer days

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