Secret Tricks with Garlic: How to Peel 38 Cloves in 38 Seconds with a Bottle Lid!

  • Rubbing your hands on a stainless steel surface, like a sink or a specialized bar, can help remove the strong garlic odor from your fingers.

2. Easy Garlic Paste:

  • If a recipe calls for minced garlic, you can make a quick garlic paste by smashing the cloves with a knife and then sprinkling a little salt on them. Use the flat side of the knife to mash the garlic into a paste.

3. Preserve Extra Garlic:

  • If you’ve peeled more garlic than you need, you can store the extra cloves in a small jar covered with olive oil. This not only preserves the garlic but also gives you garlic-infused oil for cooking.

4. Grow Your Own:

  • Planting a few garlic cloves in your garden or a pot can yield fresh garlic in a few months. Simply plant individual cloves, pointy end up, about 2 inches deep and 4 inches apart, and watch them grow.


Peeling garlic doesn’t have to be a time-consuming chore. With the bottle lid trick, you can quickly and easily peel multiple cloves, saving you time and effort in the kitchen. Additionally, incorporating these handy garlic tips can enhance your cooking experience and keep your kitchen running smoothly. Give these tricks a try and enjoy the convenience and flavor that fresh garlic brings to your meals!

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