Even baking soda has been widely used in the washing machine since time immemorial, so we can use it to remove all the dirt!
If you put 1 glass of this product in the washing machine, you will not only obtain an effective cleaning result, but you will also stop having bad accumulated odors.
Did you know that it is also ideal for whitening clothes? Yes, you can use baking soda instead of bleach by putting 1 tablespoon in the drum and you will see how shiny it is!
With its natural descaling action, lemon is another perfect trick in the washing machine to do vacuum washes!
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Strain the glass of juice so as not to leave seeds or pieces of pulp that could clog the ducts, and start the washing process at high temperatures.
In addition to being clean, it will also have a fantastic smell that will then smell throughout the washing machine!
With 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in the fabric softener tray when doing laundry, you can have a natural fabric softener while saving money and reducing pollution.
How can we not also mention vinegar among the methods that remove dirt from the washing machine ?
It is very easy to use and you just need to know how to use it to immediately obtain fantastic results for both laundry and vacuum cleaning.
To remove the dirt, you have to do 1 vacuum wash with 1 glass of vinegar at high temperatures and all the lime will disappear in no time.
On the other hand, in the case of laundry, put 1 cup of vinegar with 1 teaspoon of essential oils in the softener tray and you already have an alternative method for soft clothes !
Coarse salt
An ingredient that you surely have at home and that perhaps you are not getting the most out of is coarse salt .
Once again, we are talking about a product that eliminates all the lime and mold accumulated inside the appliance.
You will have to use it at high temperatures to get the granules to melt properly. Simply put 1 glass of the product in the basket and it will take care of any small problem.
The latest remedy against dirt in the washing machine is an ingredient that is chosen to whiten clothes, percarbonate !
Like the other elements mentioned, percarbonate is perfect for both laundry and cleaning devices.
Pour 1 glass into the basket , start the vacuum wash and enjoy the result afterwards!
Like coarse salt, percarbonate needs temperatures of 40° and above to act effectively.