Put it in your house and you will never see flies or mosquitoes again – the natural remedy

We can also  use  mosquito-repellent candles or repellent plants such as geranium, basil or mint.

It is important to note that some insecticides can be dangerous to human health or the environment, so it is always a good idea  to check labels  and follow instructions for proper use.

Natural remedies against flies or mosquitoes

The presence of flies or mosquitoes becomes more present when temperatures exceed 26 degrees. So  before temperatures rise,  it is better to know how to protect ourselves. and our family of these annoying insects.

With the following instructions, mosquitoes and flies  will simply disappear  . So today we are going to learn how to prepare a natural recipe to  get rid of flies or mosquitoes and also ants.

First of all it must be said that although these insects are uninvited and unwanted guests,  they play an important role in nature.

Therefore, instead of killing them,  we should only try to scare them away  from our house or garden.

Let’s start by saying that both  vinegar  and  cloves  have an unpleasant smell for mosquitoes and ants. Clove is rich in eugenol, a substance with  insecticidal properties  and is considered a powerful antiseptic and bactericide.

Its smell keeps mosquitoes and ants away and discourages insects from entering the house and  prevents them from reproducing, incredible truth!

How to prepare a spray against flies or mosquitoes

To prepare this natural solution we need:

  • two tablespoons of cloves,
  • two bay leaves,
  • half a cup behind white,
  • a glass of water.

We put the water in a pot to add the cloves, bay leaves and  boil for 10 minutes  . Then let it cool and filter, then add the white vinegar and mix well.
Finally, the solution thus obtained is poured into  a spray bottle and is ready to use.

This mixture is good for cleaning  from the dining room table to the floor,  for example we can spray the dishwasher and the sofa, near the window. This will help keep mosquitoes away from your home and off your skin.



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