My Husband and His Mom Ate All the Food I Cooked for Me and the Kids

Now I’m proud to have spoken up for what’s best for myself and my children. I’ve shown them what strength looks like and taught them the value of self-respect and making difficult decisions to improve one’s future.

If I hadn’t come to this revelation, my children would have grown up believing it was OK not to receive support, care, or genuine love from those who claimed to love you. Now they understand their worth, and I will make certain they never forget it.

Lanie and I had a similar scenario, but at least my husband didn’t insist on washing the dishes without leaving me anything to eat after tending to our newborn.

Five weeks after Lanie became a first-time mother, her mother-in-law flipped her life upside down. MIL became a permanent presence in their home, and things quickly fell apart because she wasn’t there to help Lanie and her husband adjust to their new responsibilities.

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