I Accidentally Found My Husband’s Secret Phone in the Toilet Tank. What I Read There Made My Blood Freeze


I shook my head. “We’re past talking, Matt.”

The satisfaction of seeing him squirm was intense, but I wasn’t done yet. I turned to Lola. “I’m sorry you had to find out this way. But you deserve to know the truth.”

Lola looked like she might cry. She stood up abruptly, her chair scraping loudly. “I can’t believe you,” she hissed at Matt, before rushing out of the restaurant.

I felt a wave of empowerment wash over me as I walked back to my table. “Let’s go,” I said to my friends and Lucas. We left without another word, leaving Matt to deal with the aftermath.

Outside, I breathed in the cool night air, feeling lighter than I had in weeks. Nicole hugged me tight. “You were amazing.”

Tara grinned. “That was epic, Jenna. I’m so proud of you.”

Lucas put a hand on my shoulder. “You did the right thing.”

We headed to a nearby bar, ready to celebrate this small victory. It was just the beginning, but it felt like a significant step forward. My heart still ached, but it was a pain I could manage now. I had taken control of my life again.

As we sat down, Nicole raised her glass. “To new beginnings.”

“To freedom,” Tara added.

“To strength,” Lucas said.

I smiled, clinking my glass with theirs. “To the future.”

The road ahead wasn’t going to be easy, but I knew I could handle it. With my friends and family by my side, I was ready for whatever came next. For now, I was going to enjoy this moment of triumph. Matt might have broken my trust, but he hadn’t broken me.

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