Firefighters Urge Caution: What Not to Plug Into Power Strips

Space heaters are notorious for their high power consumption. Plugging a space heater into a power strip can quickly overload it, leading to overheating and potential fire hazards.

Refrigerators and Freezers
These appliances require a constant and high power supply. They should always be plugged directly into a wall outlet to avoid overloading a power strip.

Microwaves draw a lot of power in a short amount of time, which can easily exceed the capacity of most power strips. Always plug microwaves directly into a wall outlet.

Toasters and Coffee Makers
Like microwaves, toasters and coffee makers require a substantial amount of power. These appliances should have their dedicated wall outlets.

Air Conditioners
Air conditioners, whether portable or window units, are high-wattage devices. Plugging them into a power strip is a fire risk.

Safe Usage Tips for Power Strips

Check the Rating
Before using a power strip, check its power rating and ensure that the combined wattage of all plugged-in devices does not exceed this limit.

Use for Low-Wattage Devices

Power strips are best used for low-wattage devices such as lamps, computers, and chargers.

Inspect Regularly
Regularly inspect your power strips for any signs of wear, damage, or overheating. Replace any that show signs of damage.

Avoid Daisy-Chaining
Never plug one power strip into another. This practice, known as daisy-chaining, can easily lead to overload and is a significant fire hazard.

Use Surge Protectors
Invest in power strips that have built-in surge protection to safeguard your electronics from power spikes.


The image serves as a stark reminder of the dangers associated with improper use of power strips. By understanding the risks and following the safety tips outlined above, you can protect your home and loved ones from potential fire hazards. Always prioritize safety and when in doubt, consult with a professional electrician to ensure your electrical setup is safe and up to code.

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