Egg-citing Uses for Eggshells: Don’t Toss Them Just Yet!

Eggshells, commonly overlooked and discarded, are actually a treasure trove of utility. Before you consider tossing them in the trash, explore these fascinating and environmentally friendly uses for eggshells that can benefit your home, garden, and even your pets.
Boost Plant Growth with Natural Fertilizer:
Eggshells are a fantastic source of calcium, crucial for plant development. Crush them into a fine powder and sprinkle around your plants for a natural fertilizer boost. This is especially beneficial for calcium-loving plants like tomatoes and roses.
Eggshells as a Garden Pest Deterrent:
Keep garden pests like slugs and snails at bay naturally. Spread crushed eggshells around your garden; their sharp edges discourage these pests without resorting to harsh chemicals.
Eco-Friendly Household Cleaner:
Create a non-toxic abrasive cleaner by crushing eggshells and mixing them with soapy water. This homemade cleaner is excellent for scrubbing pots, pans, and sinks to a sparkling finish.
Eggshells in Arts and Crafts:

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