Discover the Surprising Uses for Eggshells Around Your Home

3. Non-Toxic Household Cleaner: Ground eggshells make an excellent abrasive for tough-to-clean items. Mix them with a little soapy water to scrub pots, pans, and even your stovetop. They’re effective at removing grime without scratching surfaces.

4. Coffee Enhancer: Adding a crushed eggshell to your coffee grounds can help reduce the bitterness of your brew. The shells help to absorb some of the acids, resulting in a smoother, more palatable cup of coffee.

5. Seed Starters: Eggshells make charming, biodegradable seed starters. Fill half-shells with soil, plant your seeds, and place them in an egg carton. Once the seedlings are ready, you can plant them directly in the garden—shell and all!

So, the next time you’re about to toss those eggshells, remember that they’re far more valuable than they seem. From gardening to cleaning, these shells can do wonders, making your daily chores a bit greener and more sustainable!

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