Cookie Dough: 5 Best Recipes!


This cake is a godsend for those mothers whose children don’t like cottage cheese, which is so essential for their growing bodies. They will eat it and ask for more, because it is always very tasty, thanks to the delicate combination of ricotta and banana.


400 g ricotta;
200 g condensed milk;
1 tsp. cocoa (with a slide);
2/3 cup milk;
30 pieces of cookies;
1 banana;
candied fruits and pine nuts (for decoration).

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl, mix half the ricotta, half the condensed milk, and the vanilla until smooth.

2. In another bowl, mix the second half of the cottage cheese with the remaining condensed milk and cocoa, mix well.

3. Pour milk into a shallow plate. Dip the cookies in the milk, arrange them on a plate, spread with cottage cheese and vanilla and smooth them out. Then, dipping another batch of cookies in the milk, place them on top and cover with the ricotta and chocolate mixture. Place a sliced ​​banana on top and spread with the ricotta and chocolate mixture. Then repeat all the layers so that the last layer consists of cookies covered with the cottage cheese and vanilla mixture.

4. After decorating our cake with colorful candied fruit and pine nuts, we put it in the fridge for a few hours to soak.

Recipe 5: Coffee Cookie Cake

Coffee lovers will definitely appreciate this cake. It will give you energy for the whole day and it is not difficult to prepare.


4 eggs;
200 g sugar;
200 g butter;
0.5 kg cookies;
1 cup strong coffee;
2 tablespoons. l. cocoa powder;
10 g vanilla sugar;
100 grams chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Mix eggs with sugar, cocoa and vanilla sugar, heat everything in a water bath until the mass thickens. Then cool the resulting mixture and add softened butter, beat until smooth.

2. After greasing the form, arrange the cookies in layers, first dipping them in the prepared coffee. Cover each layer with the resulting cream. After spreading all the layers, place the cake in the fridge for a few hours.

3. After removing the cake from the fridge, carefully turn the form over and decorate your product with grated chocolate.
Cookies: useful tips from experienced chefs

If you dip the cookies in milk before layering them, don’t dip them too much or let them get wet! Otherwise, you won’t be able to arrange them nicely on the plate. The optimal time to keep the cookies in milk is no more than 20 seconds. It’s best to arrange the soaked cookies on the plate using a thin spatula.

When decorating sponge cake, it is better to cover the baking dish with a piece of thin, greased baking paper, so that it will be easier to cut the cake into portions later.

It is better to place a baking dish on which the cookies previously soaked in milk will be placed, slightly tilted to remove excess milk.

Do not neglect the advice to let the finished dough rest in the refrigerator. This is necessary so that the cookies are well saturated with cream and the taste of the product is enriched.

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