Chocolate Chip Pan Chewies

Recently, I sat down on the couch for family movie night and we all instantly agreed that something sweet was in order. I didn’t want to delay the movie by starting a lengthy cookie or cake project but I definitely agreed that we needed something sugary to snack on, so I did a quick search for something fast and sweet. And I found these. Somewhere between a chocolate chip cookie bar and a gooey blondie, these delicious Pan Chewies were in the oven before the opening credits were over, no pause button needed. They’re that easy. And oh my, are they good.

These take literally five minutes or less to mix up. You start with melted butter, brown sugar, vanilla, and one egg that you stir together before adding in some flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.

And then there are of course plenty of chocolate chips. It’s closer to the consistency of cake batter than cookie dough, so there’s no dough to scoop or divide – you just pour it into a baking pan and maybe smooth it out a bit with a spatula if you need to.

Twenty minutes or so in the oven and you’re ready to indulge. You can wait for them to set up a bit into something sliceable, but a big scoop of sweet gooeyness in a bowl is more my style.

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