Bathtub, the tip for cleaning it in 2 minutes without effort: it’s back like new

Hygiene and home cleanliness are essential , so it is necessary to be able to find time to dedicate to this activity. There is often a belief that cleaning takes hours; In fact, if you know a few little tricks, a few minutes are enough to keep your home tidy and magnificently clean.

One of the things we should pay special attention to is, without a doubt, toilets, but as we all know, keeping them bright and shiny is a challenge. The bathtub, for example, is the one that usually gives us the most problems, but by using two simple products that we all always have on hand, we will make it look like new again in a very short time. What do we need? Just a little baking soda and kitchen soap .

Products for polishing

Once you have these two products, simply pour a sufficient amount of baking soda into the bathtub, after which you can add dishwashing detergent.

Next, with the help of a classic scrubbing brush (the kind normally used to sweep the floor), we carefully rub the detergent and baking soda over the top, corners and walls of the bathtub to remove once and for all the accumulated dirt. After thoroughly rinsing, we will finally have a sparkling, clean and sanitized bathtub!

Ingenuity and precision

To achieve  excellent  results, when cleaning, it is not necessary to resort to purchasing products that are usually very expensive.

Grandma’s so-called tricks teach us that with a little ingenuity and good will , cleaning the house and spending little money is not so impossible!

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