‘This One Was Special,’ six generations of women exclaim as they pose for a sweet family photo

A lovely family photo of six generations of women was recently taken. Gracie Howell, 58, stated that her 98-year-old grandmother, MaeDell (Taylor) Hawkins, has held numerous babies throughout her life.

MaeDell was photographed last month cuddling her great-great-great-granddaughter, Zhavia, who joined the family in December.

Gracie praised the shot for capturing all women, from the baby to her great-great-great-grandmother.

Gracie is pictured with her mother, Francis, daughter Jacqueline, granddaughter Jaisline (the baby’s mother), and MaeDell holding Zhavia.

This shot is a remarkable monument to the enduring strength of motherhood. It’s incredible to see the family’s unbroken chain of women passing on their love, wisdom, and experiences to each subsequent generation.

Such images let us realize the beauty of life and family bonds bonded by love and treasured for a lifetime.

Gracie proudly recalls pleasant memories of her grandmother, who will turn 99 in July. Despite her age, MaeDell is cognitively active and intelligent, always ready to provide her expert advice on child care.

When Zhavia’s child became restless during a recent visit, MaeDell, who now lives in a nursing home, deftly plucked her from her mother’s grasp and tickled her tiny feet.

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