15 Genius Ways to Use Eggshells

Make a mixture of warm water, dish soap, and ground eggshells to clean your pipes. They act as a scrub and prevent clogs.

Calcium Supplement for Pets

Sprinkle a small amount of crushed eggshells over your pet’s food as a calcium supplement. It’s a great addition to their diet.

Coffee Grounds Enhancer

Add crushed eggshells to your coffee grounds before brewing. The shells reduce the acidity of the coffee, resulting in a smoother taste.

Craft Projects

Get creative and use eggshells in various craft projects. Paint them, use them in mosaics, or as unique decorations for Easter eggs.

Calcium Supplement for Humans

Sterilize and grind eggshells into a fine powder to use as a natural calcium supplement. Add the powder to smoothies, baked goods, or sprinkle it over food.

Soil Amendment for Tomatoes

Help your tomato plants by adding crushed eggshells to the planting hole or around the base. This helps prevent blossom end rot.

Bird Feed

Sterilize and crush eggshells, then mix them with birdseed. The calcium boost will benefit birds, especially when it comes to their own eggshells.

Household Deodorizer

Place dried eggshells in a bowl or container and put it in your refrigerator or cupboard. They naturally absorb odors, keeping your kitchen fresh.


Eggshells have far more uses than you may have realized. Whether it’s gardening, pest control, beauty treatments, or craft projects, they offer a multitude of benefits. So next time you crack an egg, think twice before throwing away the shell – it might come in handy!

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